Tuesday, 19 December 2017

WEEK 17 ( FYP 2)

Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful to Allah for the good health and well being that were necessary to me to complete this proposal thesis.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to supervisor, Sir Nor Azman Bin Othman for guiding and supervising me during conducting this research. Besides, I place on record my sincere thank you to my coordinator Dr. Siti Marwangi Binti Mohamad Maharum for the continuous encouragement to complete this proposal thesis.
Next, i take this good fortune with express gratitude to every last one of comrades to their assistance Furthermore help. I Additionally Much thanks to my guardians for the persistent encouragement, backing What's more consideration. I am appreciative on my companions who upheld me All around this semester.

Saturday, 18 November 2017

WEEK 16 (FYP 2)

Activity: Preparing Final Report 

After done the presentation during industry day last week, this week about to complete the final report. 

Before submitting hard cover of the report to library, student must submit soft copy their report to their supervisor to check the plagiarism. All supervisor has been allowed to used the Turnitin software to check the plagiarism.

The gantt chart is very important as it shows how my work progress from time to time.

                                                                 Figure: Gantt Chart

Thursday, 9 November 2017

WEEK 15 (FYP 2)

Activity: Industry Day

On 15th November 2017, the presentation was conducted in  Gemilang hall from 8.00 - 12.00 am. The whole present went well.

During the Project Demo and Presentation, I was able to explained my project smoothly and confidently answered  all the questions from the accessor. The time taken for the presentation was around 10 to 20 minutes.

Information about assessor:


         2. Industry Company 

As a conclusion, I was happy that the Project Demo and Presentation is finally over. I was also relieved that my project functioned smoothly during the demo and presentation. In addition, all the hard work and struggled for one years (FYP 1 and FYP 2) to complete the project is finally paid off.Poster Preparation

Content / Result : 

Monday, 6 November 2017

WEEK 14 (FYP 2)

Activity: Student attend the final briefing  FYP 2was held on 3rd November 2017 at TTL 1 from                        3 - 5 pm and the attendance for all  the studen that are taking the FYP 1 was compulsory.

Content: FYP coordinator DR Siti Marwangi was invited t
he speaker for this workshop is Dr.                             Kanendra Naidu

  1.  FYP 2 Assessment Scheme
  2. Presentation Day
  3. Progress Report Submission
  4. Proposal Report Submission
  5. FYP Claim

Friday, 3 November 2017

WEEK 13 (FYP 2)

Title: Testing and analysis

Objective: To finalize the receiver transmitter with the circuit for Final Year Project 2.

In this week, I’m continuing working on testing and analyze the circuit to understand more about my project. In the testing process, the circuit being construct and connected with the receiver transmitter with relay. It seems that all the function are working just well and meet the objectives of the project. In the analysis process, I study more about the objective and outcomes of the project to be able to present it with clear information regarding my project to the upcoming accessor for the FYP 2 Presentation day in week 16.

Saturday, 28 October 2017

WEEK 12 ( FYP 2)

Title of activity:
- Arduino Programmed

- Planning on creating the arduino programmed /coding and testing for robot application.


Troubleshooting the circuit and recreating the programmed /coding for arduino.

Friday, 20 October 2017

WEEK 11 (FYP 2)

Activity: Student attend the fourth Final Year Project 2 briefing was held on 20th 
                 October 2017 at TTL 1 from 3 - 5 pm and the attendance for all  the student
                 that are taking the FYP 1 was compulsory.

Content: FYP coordinator DR Siti Marwangi was invited t
he speaker for this workshop is Ms.                          Najihah Saleh (Electrical Technology Section)

Topic workshop:

  1. How to write abstract in thesis writing.
  2. Preparation for poster 
  3. Skills for presentation.

Conclusion: Student more prepare about poster to present in front assessor and 

                     be more confident during presentation.

  • Don't panic if make a mistake in presenting.
  • Don't read.
  • Keep practicing.
  • Summarize & try to make it short.
  • Use a mirror during practice.
  • Use different tones of voice.
  • Relax and Try to steady.
  • Make an eye contact and smile.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

WEEK 10 (FYP 2)

Title : Problems during the project development

During the development, the receiver transmitter had been purchased earlier for this project without relay. During the testing receiver did not function properly and did not change the rotation of robot though all other component seems operate perfectly. Robot just can move forward at all. So i need to buy new receiver transmitter with relay. I purchase the receiver transmitter with relay at rawang. The cost new receiver transmitter RM 60.00

Figure : Receiver Transmitter Without Relay

Sunday, 8 October 2017

WEEK 9 (FYP 2)

Activity: Student attend the third Final Year Project 2 briefing.

Objective: To know how to write  result & discussion and conclusion writing for
                   FYP 2 technical report.

Content: FYP coordinator DR Siti Marwangi was invited Dr. Fadi to give an explanation to us. 

Conclusion: Requirement for Final Year Project 2 technical report for result & discussion                           and conclusion writing according assessment and marking aspect already clear                     by explanation from Dr. Fadi.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

WEEK 8 (FYP 2)

Title : Construct Circuit Diagram

Objective :

  1. To construct the circuit of multitasking robot.
  2. To make sure all component functions well.


                                                                     Figure : Circuit Diagram 

Sunday, 17 September 2017

WEEK 7 (FYP 2)

Title: Arduino Software 1.6.8

 -  To study about Arduino software


Arduino Software

The Arduino hardware has built-in support for serial communication on pins 0 and 1 (which also goes to the computer via the USB connection). The native serial support happens via a piece of hardware (built into the chip) called a UART. This hardware allows the Atmega chip to receive serial communication even while working on other tasks, as long as there room in the 64 byte serial buffer.
The SoftwareSerial library has been developed to allow serial communication on other digital pins of the Arduino, using software to replicate the functionality (hence the name "SoftwareSerial"). It is possible to have multiple software serial ports with speeds up to 115200 bps. A parameter enables inverted signaling for devices which require that protocol.

Conclusion : 
- I know how to use the application of arduino software.
- Arduino software easy to use because it have already basic coding in library arduino          software

Saturday, 9 September 2017

WEEK 6 (FYP 2)

Activity: Student attend the second Final Year Project 2 briefing.The briefing was by Miss Pusparini                 Dewi Abd. Aziz.

Objective: Briefing (Introduction, Literature Review, and Methodology)

Content: In this briefing, the FYP committees have been brief us about:

  •           understand the academic writing task.
  •         Familiar with the different kinds of thesis statements.
  •          Formulate a research question.
  •          Formulate a tentative thesis statement.
  •          Examine a contradiction.
  •          Write a thesis statement as a complex sentence.
  •          Test the thesis statement by considering the following questions.

Friday, 1 September 2017

WEEK 5 (FYP 2)

Title : Block Diagram Of Project

Objective : To identify overall system of the project.

                                                          Figure: Block Diagram

The block diagram of multitasking wireless robot is shown in Figure. The diagram consists of power supply, Arduino UNO, remote, receiver transmitter and motor driver to control right and left motor for movement. The block diagram explains the simple working of the whole system developed. 

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

WEEK 4 (FYP 2)

Title:  Redefine the methods to create the system 

The third week is about redefine the methods to create the system. After further research, i found that there are few changes need to be made. I purchase the all component that i need at Jalan Pasar. Here the list of component:

Hardware :

  1. Dc Motor
  2. Wheel
  3. Motor Driver
  4. Receiver
  5. Transmitter
  6. Casing
  7. Arduino uno 

After further understanding, here are the  software that will be use in this project :

    1. Protues
    2. Arduino software

    Sunday, 20 August 2017

    WEEK 3 (FYP 2)

    Activity: Student attend the first Final Year Project 2 briefing. The briefing was 
                   conducted in TTL2 and the attendance for all  the student that are taking 
                   the FYP 2 was compulsory.

    Objective: To understand the flow of the FYP 2 project.

    Content: The briefing conduct by FYP coordinator Dr. Siti Marwangi Binti Mohamad Maharum

    • Code of the Subject FYP must be correct and student should be register the project title for minor amendment before week 8.
    • Assessment that need to be cover for FYP 2 which is final report (logbook/blog), presentation, and project proposal.
    •  FYP 2 should be continues after the proposal report with do the result&analysis, discussions, and conclusion of overall project.
    • FYP 2 activities along this semester.

    Saturday, 12 August 2017

    WEEK 2 (FYP 2)

    Details About The Project

    Title: Development Of Wireless Multitasking Robot

    •      Development of Wireless Multitasking Robot Using Arduino UNO, Motor Driver,             Receiver Transmitter
    •       Multitasking wireless robot that can clean the floor.
    •      Can be controlled by transmitter (remote controller).
    •      Robot can be controlled in long distance.
           1.       To design the prototype of multitasking wireless robot that can clean the floor.

                 2.      To save the manpower to provide robot can do a task.
                 3.      To analyze the simulation of robot considering using Arduino

    WEEK 1 (FYP 2)

    Activity :
    The first week of my FYP 2 is now begins. So now i need to continue the progress of my project from FYP 1 that have been left before from last Semester.

    Objectives :
    • To introduce the FYP 2.
    • To continue the progress from FYP 1.

    Conclusion :
    The project for "Development Wireless Multitasking Robot Using Arduino" is now officially start.

    Monday, 10 July 2017


    Name: Osman Amir Bin Ahmad Nasarudin

    ID: 51211114259

    Course: BET Electrical

    This blog was created to show my final year project progress about multitasking wireless robot. Everything I have done through this semester, will update to my blog.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Tuesday, 13 June 2017

    WEEK 17 (FYP 1)


    On this week, I also work some to complete my proposal report. I also doing some research and also find the solution of problem that I have face during the presentation day. From the research, I also find some new information about my proposed project and it will be enhanced my understanding better.

    As a conclusion, Alhamdulillah praise to Allah for giving us a chance to complete our last semester at University Kuala Lumpur (British Malaysian Institute). First at all we would like thank to our advisor Sir Azman bin Othman for giving us an opportunity to complete my final year project under your guideline and helped me a lot and guiding me to complete the whole task of the FYP1. I really hope this will improve my study and also my knowledge about this project. 

    WEEK 16 (FYP 1)


    All the FYP 1 students are required to write a proposal for the project. The proposal must contain:

    •            Title Page
    •            Table of Contents
    •            Introduction
    •            Problem Statement
    •            Literature Review
    •            Objectives
    •            Methodology
    •            Benefits/ Contributions
    •            Conclusion
    •            References

    The proposal is made based on the research from journal that I have done throughout the previous weeks

    Saturday, 10 June 2017

    WEEK 15 (FYP 1)

    Activity: FYP 1 Presentation Day

                  In this time, my slide proposal already complete and my slide have 12 slide.
    The content of the slide:

    -Problem Statement
    -Scope Of Research
    -Literature Review

    On 7th June 2017, the presentation was conducted in  Gemilang hall from 2.30 - 5.00 pm. The whole
    present went well.

    Information about assessor:

    Saturday, 3 June 2017

    WEEK 14 (FYP 1)

    Activity: Student attend the last Final Year Project 1 briefing. The briefing was 
                    conducted in TTL2 from 3 - 5 pm and the attendance for all  the student
                    that are taking the FYP 1 was compulsory.

    Objective: Last briefing before proposal presentation and make sure student 
                       know about FYP 1 assessment schemes and submission process.

    Content: assessors will be PROF. Badri Bin Abu Bakar and Dr. Kanendra Naidu 

    Result/Analysis: Student know the proposal presentation date and who will be 
                                   assessor during presentation. So student will be more prepare.

    Conclusion: Slide presentation near to complete and i try present in front of my
                           friend to prepare and my friend give some advice to improve my slide. 

    Tuesday, 30 May 2017

    WEEK 13 (FYP 1)

    This week is for submit draft proposal Chapter 1,2 & 3. I submit my draft proposal to supervisor to identify some correction that have to be made on the report. I also ask to give a suggestion and idea on how to write a good report. I make some correction to make sure all the chapter follow the marking scheme and to compile all the literature review.

            By submission the draft report and get some good explanation about the writing, I have more understanding on how to write good report.

            Back to my progress on proposal slide, I have nearly complete all the slides. On this week, I have work on Gannt Chart which is shown our planned progress of this project. Below, I have attached my Gannt Chart

    This is gantt chart for my project.

    Saturday, 13 May 2017

    WEEK 12 (FYP 1)

    Activity: Student attend the fourth Final Year Project 1 briefing was held on 19th 
                     May 2017 at TTL 1 from 3 - 5 pm and the attendance for all  the student
                     that are taking the FYP 1 was compulsory.

    Objective: To know about Presentation Skill for Project Proposal Presentation.

    Content: FYP coordinator DR Siti Marwangi was invited Dr. Mohammed Reyasudin

                     Basir Khan to give an explanation about Presentation Skill for Project
                     Proposal Presentation.

    Result/Analysis: -Student know how to present about their project during 

                                   Proposal Presentation.
                                  -Dr. Reyasudin give guideline how to make slide for presentation
                                   and advice to dress well during the presentation day to be more

    Conclusion: student more prepare about slide to present in front assessor and 

                           be more confident during proposal presentation.

    Power point slide content for presentation:

    -Problem statement
    -What is my key idea / contribution
    -How i am improving the current technology

    Saturday, 6 May 2017

    WEEK 11 (FYP 1)

    This week is to study about Arduino Uno for this project.

                  Arduino is an open source, computer hardware and software company, project, and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical world. The project's products are distributed as open-source hardware and software, which are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the GNU General Public License (GPL), permitting the manufacture of Arduino boards and software distribution by anyone. Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled form, or as do-it-yourself kits.

                   Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits. The boards feature serial communications interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some models, which are also used for loading programs from personal computers. The microcontrollers are typically programmed using a dialect of features from the programming languages C and C++. In addition to using traditional compiler toolchains, the Arduino project provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the Processing language project.

        This arduino use software  Arduino Software IDE.The arduino project provides the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE), which is a cross-platform application written in the programming language Java. It originated from the IDE for the languages Processing and Wiring. It includes a code editor with features such as text cutting and pasting, searching and replacing text, automatic indenting, brace matching, and syntax highlighting, and provides simple one-click mechanisms to compile and upload programs to an Arduino board.

    Arduino Uno as microcontroller for this project

    Thursday, 20 April 2017

    WEEK 10 (FYP 1)

    This week is to study about lawn mower for this project. What is lawn mower?


    The trimmer-type mowing system presented in this work has a fixed edge and a moving edge. There are two advantages of using a trimmer-type mowing system.

    If a cutter edge comes into contact with people, it can cause serious injury. In the event of the proposed arrangement, the fixed edge of the trimmer extends beyond the striking boundary. Hence, the fixed edge is the first to reach any object in the way of the system. This boundary is designed so that masses can be safe even after a collision. In addition, when the system is mowing close to an obstacle such as a wall, the trimmer does not damage the wall as a rotary cutter would. Further, the proposed trimmer does not call for a hood, unlike a circular cutting tool. Therefore, the cutting edge of the trimmer-type mowing system can reach right up to a wall. The proposed trimmer also has the advantage that it does not cause stones to be expelled as easily as in the instance of a rotary cutter.

    Rotary mowers

    Rotary lawn mowers have one very high speed rotating blade underneath. The blade ‘chops’ the grass on impact due to its very high speed. Most rotary mowers have the grass box behind with a few having an integral grass box. These mowers work best on a medium to high cut. A Rotary Mower is a mower in which the blade spins horizontally (east to west) and uses a sucking and tearing action to cut the blades of grass. Rotary mowers usually have one blade which rotates very fast. The rotary mower design is simple and adapts very well to small engines. Rotary mowers can cut a wide variety of grass conditions. Rotary mowers are usually powered by gas engines or electric engines.

    Friday, 14 April 2017

    WEEK 9 (FYP 1)

    Activity: Do some research about multitasking wireless robot from journal gets
                    from library portal ecitie to get into IEEE portal.

    Objective: To get more information about the project from Journal.

    Content: -Find journal in IEEE portal.
                     -Study the journal that already chooses.
                     -Complete my proposal report for chapter 1 and 2.

    Result/Analysis: Student archived better understanding about the project.
                                  How project operates and what component need to make a
                                  prototype The previous work help very much to make improvement
                                  the project.

    Conclusion: This week already completed the introduction, the objective and
                           literature review.

    This journal for my literature review

    Tuesday, 4 April 2017

    WEEK 8 (FYP1)

    Activity: Student attend the third Final Year Project 1 briefing.

    Objective: To know how to write methodology and result & discussion writing for
                       FYP 1 technical report.

    Content: FYP coordinator DR Siti Marwangi was invited Dr. Imran Mohamad  Sofi
                     to give an explanation about how to write chapter 3 and discussion.

    Result/Analysis: Student archived better understanding of the Final Year Project 1
                                   technical report for chapter 3 and discussion.

    Conclusion: Requirement for Final Year Project 1 technical report for chapter 3
                          and discussion according assessment and marking aspect already
                          clear by explanation from Dr. Imran.

    Friday, 31 March 2017

    WEEK 7 (FYP1)

    Activity: Check title proposal is already been approved or not.

    Objective: To make sure supervisor register title Final Year Project in
                       portal FYP BMI.

    Content: -Supervisor register title 'Multitasking Wireless Robot' in portal FYP BMI.
                   -The registration late because Dr Idris not in BMI in week 6 to approve title
                     for FYP.

    Result/Analysis: Supervisor agreed with new title and the new title was
                                   registered in FYP BMI.

    Conclusion: Project title has been approved for the registration.

    Thursday, 30 March 2017

    WEEK 6 (FYP1)

    Activity: Student attend the second Final Year Project 1 briefing.

    Objective: To know how to write introduction and literature review for FYP 1
                        technical report.

    Content: FYP coordinator DR Siti Marwangi give an explanation about how to write
                    chapter 1 and 2.

    Result/Analysis: Student archived better understanding of the Final Year Project 1
                                    technical report for chapter 1 and 2.

    Conclusion: Requirement for Final Year Project 1 technical report for chapter 1
                           and 2 according assessment and marking aspect already clear by an
                           explanation from Dr Marwangi

    Tuesday, 21 March 2017

    WEEK 5 (FYP1)

    Activity: Supervisor give suggestion to change the title because it have some issue.

    Objective: To investigate the issue and to negotiate with the supervisor on switching
                      to a new title.

    Content: -A contact has been made with the supervisor.
                    -Supervisor inform to student about the issue faced at this stage of project.

    Result/ Analysis: -The issue faced was it motor suitable for this project difficult to
                                    get and expensive.
                                  -To do prototype this project will become complicated.
                                  -Supervisor suggested to find any new project title.

    Conclusion: The new project is 'Wireless Multitasking Robot'

    Monday, 13 March 2017

    WEEK 4 (FYP1)

    Activity: Student attend the first Final Year Project 1 briefing. The briefing was 
                   conducted in TTL2 and the attendance for all  the student that are taking 
                   the FYP 1 was compulsory.

    Objective: To understand the flow of the FYP 1 project.

    Content: FYP coordinator Dr. Siti Marwangi Binti Mohamad Maharum
                    showed the student regarding the scopes and guide line of the
                    final year project.

    Result/Analysis: Student archived better understanding of the Final Year
                                Project outline and the assessment & marking aspects.

    Conclusion: Further research has been made in accordance, to the assessment 
                          and mark aspects.

    Tuesday, 7 March 2017

    WEEK 3 (FYP1)

    Activity: Consult to a supervisor about the topic for Final Year Project.

    Objective: Seeking topic for Final Year Project 1.

    Content: Make discuss Final Year Project title.

    Procedure: -Consult to Sir Azman about project 'Mini Hydropower'.
                        - This project was obtained from the website.

    Result/Analysis: Further study was made for this topic to gain further
                                  understanding and to obtain more information which would
                                  helpful in the making this project.

    Conclusion: -Both student and supervisor agreed on the topic for this project.
                          -Further research was made for this topic.

    Tuesday, 28 February 2017

    WEEK 2 (FYP1)

    Activity: Student do some research about project for FYP and know better about supervisor major.

    Objective: -To get some information about project.
                      -Choose title which in field with supervisor major.

    Content: Sir Azman major in electrical and electronic.

    Result/Analysis: Student archived better understanding about Final Year Project.

    Conclusion: Title was chosen about electrical and renewable energy.

    WEEK 17 ( FYP 2)

    Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful to Allah for the good health and well being that were necessary to me to complete this proposal thes...